Monday, June 9, 2008

The Final Blog

1- Since September I think that I have grown over the year because its just the matter of the mentality. Just the way I think. Even just being in High School gives the chance of just growing up. The way you feel when you are sitting in class listening to your teacher lechure on the book you have just read, or walking in the hallways with all your books and notebooks struggling to get to class so you wont be late. Even if we don't want to believe it, we have all grown up.

2-The least favorite topic I studied in English class was literate terms. I was never good at remembering the vocab, or understanding the terms for that matter.

3-The Most challenging topic to study was again the literary terms. Then we would have to study this for the midterms. I don't think i did so great on the literary section.

4- My favorite topic to study in English class was reading about Mythology. I absolutely love to learn about the the Greek mythology, who were in it, and what they did, and what was their hole story about them.

5- If I could give any advise to the up coming freshman it would be, stay on the third floor by the pool where the sun roof is because that is the best way to keep cool when it gets hot.