Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The Outsiders Essay

“Sixteen years on the streets and you can learn a lot. But all the wrong things, not the things you want to learn.” Johnny Cade. Johnny feels that when you live on the streets that whatever you learn, are all the wrong things. Johnny learned that he has to try his best not to end up like one of the tougher Greasers. Johnny really liked the book Gone with the Wind when Ponyboy read it to him; he enjoyed learning about t literature. He and Ponyboy would read the book while they were in hiding at the church. The way that Johnny responded to it was like he really believed that he and every body else could make a difference if they just didn’t act all tough. If the Greasers or any body else could try to think about the beautiful things in life that they normally would think about. For example; When Johnny saved those children from the burning church, he wanted good to happen on while he was still alive, whether he knew or not. Or when Johnny tried to get the big Socs off of Ponyboy, because they were choking him. He didn’t want these things to happen; he wanted every thing to just go away.

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